HOTmilk Nursing Bra

Our next bra lady training is on Saturday 6th May at our Chorley Shop.

If you’re interested in becoming a bra lady in your local area, offering a valuable service to women in the local community, this work at home opportunity may be for you.

The initial training includes information about becoming self-employed, and being a bra fitter for one specialist area. You can increase your bra fitting expertise and bra styles with further training.

How much does it cost?

Initial training cost £400 + VAT – one full day, with follow up support

Initial stock at 30% off RRP – to be agreed together. Average for existing bra fitters is £400 investment.

Ongoing costs – there will be ongoing support costs to cover website, email and support. These will be discussed before you sign your terms and conditions.

Pay by the end of March, and only pay £250 + VAT for initial training

Contact or 0845 373 3875 for more information